Speech to Text Technology: Transforming Learning and Development

Speech to text



In the world of Learning and Development, technology continues to shape the way we acquire knowledge and enhance our skills. One such transformative technology is Speech to Text. By converting spoken language into written text, Speech to Text holds immense potential to revolutionize the learning experience.

While the technology isn’t something very new and has been around for quite some time, the recent advancements in AI and Machine Learning, has vastly improved the scope and the quality of the Audio outputs generated by the Technology.
Speech to Text has the potential to transform a learner’s experience Learning and Development, and empower educators alike.

What is Speech to Text?

Speech to Text is also referred to as Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), it essentially is a technology that transcribes spoken sentences or words into written texts. The technology analyzes audio inputs and accurately converts it into texts, hence the term “Speech to Text”.
The technology has proved its far-reaching implications in various domains such as the Media Industry, contact centres, Meeting tools and education (Subtitles of Videos).
By leveraging the power of Speech to Text, learners can overcome communication barriers, engage with course contents more effectively, and improve the overall learning outcomes.

Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusivity

Speech to Text technology makes learning more accessible and inclusive; for individuals with hearing impairments, the ability to convert spoken language into text enables them to engage in classroom discussions, lectures, and online courses more actively and with ease. Learners with hearing disabilities can now fully participate in learning activities, facilitating equal opportunities. With integrated Translation on these Text, learners can now consume knowledge from Video and Audio contents which are not even in the learners native langauges, hence widening their scope of learning.
Speech to Text also benefits learners with different learning styles, such as visual learners who find it easier to process information through text. By providing accurate transcriptions of spoken content, Speech to Text accommodates diverse learning preferences, ensuring that learners receive information in a format that suits their needs, learning style and comprehension abilities.

Tailored for the Modern learner

In traditional classroom settings, learners often struggle to keep up with the pace of lectures or discussions while simultaneously taking accurate notes.

S2T addresses this challenge by automatically transcribing spoken content in real-time. Learners can focus on actively listening and engaging in the learning process, knowing that the Speech to Text service is capturing all the important information and adding those to their notes at the backend.

These text notes also called as ‘Transcriptions’ serve as valuable study aids, allowing learners to review and revisit course content with ease at their convenience. The ability to search and highlight specific sections within the transcriptions further enhances the efficiency and the overall outcome of the courses.
Speech to Text, additionally empowers trainers / educators / coaches to create comprehensive and detailed lesson summaries. Educators can record their lectures or presentations and utilize Speech to Text technology to automatically generate accurate transcriptions. These transcriptions can then be shared with students, providing them with a comprehensive overview of the lesson, reinforcing important concepts, and aiding in their understanding and revision of the courses covered.


Speech to Text has the potential of becoming an indispensable tool in Learning and Development. It empowers learners to engage more effectively with the learning contents and puts them at ease and offers the convenience to learn the course contents in their choice of medium.
It’s also a very effective tool for the Educators / Trainers and Coaches to remove some of the barriers to learning that learners might be facing.
Skolarli very effectively uses Speech 2 Text to assist learners. To know more about how we can assist your training programs and incorporate S2T in your curriculum via AI, reach out to us at [email protected]
Image courtesy: Storyset

The below audio file has been transcribed using SKAI, Speech to Text service.

Below is the transcription of the Audio file listed adjascent. 

Yesterday I saw a film titled Macbeth. Its story elements are interesting. The film’s hero, Macbeth, assassinates Duncan and ascends to the throne of Scotland. But he is dissatisfied. He finds himself in a dangerous situation. He executes those he suspects of plotting against him. Eventually, some of the Lords revolted and dethroned him and killed him. The message it conveys is that excessive ambition destroys a man. The actor and actress, who played Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, had exceptional performances, which significantly increased the film’s impact.